Selling Anything

Online Shopping

I like having a ecommerce store. I can sell anything I like. I like having a thriving ecommerce business. I want to create more digital goodies in the future. Right now, I’m just selling my artwork, short stories and podcast. I currently have 10 products in my store and I plan on having more created. It’s really interesting coming up with products to sell. Anyone can buy my products online. It’s really simple and only 99 cents.

Andrew’s Diary


This is my brand new ecommerce store. I’ve been working on it for a while. I sell artwork, podcast and short stories. I currently have 10 products on my website and I plan on having more. It’s been a good experience for me working on this new business idea of mine. I hope it becomes a success. I’m selling everything for 0.99 cents. An extremely affordable price for my digital goods.  I enjoy coming up with things to sell. This is a good experience for me and I hope to be making money from this venture. Thanks for listening to my blog post. Good bye for now.